On the 22nd to 23rd of March Joberg Foundation will embark on a communal health screening outreach at Asafo Akuraa in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Twice a year, JOBerg Foundation conducts medical outreaches in the rural communities of Ghana as part of its public health initiatives. These outreaches screen for hypertension, typhoid, and malaria. Members of the community also get consultation times with medical doctors. They are then given available medication free of charge or receive a prescription and or referrals to local health centers.

We kindly welcome cherished donors to support in any way. Your Donations are welcomed. 

Donations Platforms

  Account:  joespee77@yahoo.com

MTN-MOMO number:  0559286061


Labone branch
joberg foundation
Account number: 206118940110

Thanks for your support